Before we jump in, let me give you the “why” behind this report. It is NOT to brag about how much money we’re making. Trust me, when we first started sending out these reports, we were actually losing a lot of money!
There are three major reasons we started sending out these income and expense reports:
1. I (Nate) am a business nerd! I always wonder how much money people are making and exactly how they’re making it. I wish more people would transparently share their entrepreneurial journey; so that’s why I do it! When other people do it, I find it inspiring and incredibly interesting! So I hope you’re inspired or at least entertained when you read this.
2. When Kara and I tell people that we travel full-time, the response we get the majority of the time is, “I wish I could do that.” At this point in the conversation I usually just bite my tongue. I realize that, for some, full-time travel truly isn’t possible. But for most of the people who say “I wish I could do that,” they could if they really wanted to. Yes, some people would have to work harder than others to make it happen, but most people could make it happen if they were willing to make travel a priority.
A couple years ago, Kara and I made travel our top priority. We saved up money for over a year, we moved out of our apartment, we sold our cars, and we quit our jobs. Now we put in the work (almost) every day to be able to afford to continue traveling. We hope that by sharing this report each month, it will inspire some of you to go from “I wish I could” to “How can I.”
3. We’re not special, and we want you to remember that fact no matter where this journey takes us. I feel like once people become “successful” it’s easy to think they’re “special” and that’s why they were able to achieve success. But in reality, (almost) every successful person started out as a “regular” human. At this point in our lives, Kara and I are pursuing this crazy dream of turning our passion for travel into a sustainable business. If we do achieve success one day, we hope that by sharing this journey from the beginning you’ll be able to see that two regular people had a dream, went after it, and achieved success. In turn, we hope this will inspire you (a “regular person”) to dream a big dream and go after it!
Thoughts on Quarter 4 of 2017
Wow! Where do I start? We almost doubled our revenue from Quarter 3, and we made over $20,000 this quarter. Our channel is experiencing a ton of growth right now, and that’s leading to growth in all of our revenue streams. Plus, this quarter included the holiday season; so we were able to sell merchandise, and I was able to offer a special promotion on my course to increase sales. And as if things couldn’t get any better, we were also offered the most money we’ve ever been paid for a licensing deal. It was pretty much the perfect storm (in a good way) that allowed us to double our revenue this quarter.
Income Report
1. YouTube Ad Revenue – $8,217.75 (Change from Q3 +$6,079.96)
From the very beginning, we’ve looked for additional ways to fund our travels so we didn’t have to rely on ad revenue from YouTube. I didn’t think it would ever be possible to make enough money from YouTube ad revenue to sustain our travels, but if the last few months are any indication, I may be wrong.
Our channel experienced a ton (for us) of growth the last 3 months of 2017. It started in late September when we published our first Trans-Siberian Railway video. We had no clue people would be so eager for content about the Trans-Siberian Railway. To date, the first video from the trip has over half a million views!
We’ve had other videos in the past do really well, but usually, the growth is short-lived, and our channel levels back out somewhere around previous levels. To our surprise, our channel still hasn’t dipped back down and is continuing to grow!
To help put this growth in perspective, the first 9 months of 2017 we averaged just above $20 per day in YouTube ad revenue. During the last three months, we averaged over $90 per day! During the month of December alone we made almost $4,000.
Will we continue to get this level of ad revenue moving forward? I doubt it. I think this substantial increase in ad revenue was a perfect storm of sorts. Our channel was experiencing a lot of growth during the holiday season when ad rates are at their peak. Even though I expect our ad revenue to drop in the first quarter of 2017, I still think we’re going to be way ahead of last year’s averages!
2. Patreon – $3,854 (Change from Q3 +$50)
We’re in the good graces of YouTube at the moment, but if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the last two years, it’s that things can change in an instant. It’s super comforting to know that if YouTube changed everything tomorrow, and our revenue went to $0, we would still have this incredible group of Patrons supporting our work!
Even though we only show an increase in $50 of support for the quarter, our base of patrons has actually grown substantially. For the majority of the year, we published around 20 videos per month. During the last three months, we only posted between 10-15. It seems that YouTube is rewarding us for slowing down our posting schedule (I think they like it when our most recent video racks up a lot of views before we publish a new one). Even though we slowed down our posting, our increase in new patrons has kept our revenue at a similar level.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Patreon, it’s an online platform that allows you to support the work of your favorite creators giving them a chance to continue working on their creations without having to worry about where their next meal is going to come from!
CLICK HERE to learn more about becoming a patron!
3. 30 Days To Becoming A Travel Hacker Course – $4,420 (Change from Q3 $1,196)
In the last 3 months of the year, we saw a $1,000+ increase in course sales. The majority of this growth can be attributed to our Black Friday deal. For a few short days around Black Friday, I decreased the cost of my travel hacking course from $147 to $119. A lot of people jumped on the opportunity to grab the course at a discount. As you can see from the graph above, on Cyber Monday (the day the discount was ending) we made over $1,000 from course sales in a single day! Aside from the original course launch, that’s the most courses we’ve ever sold in a single day!
I had the idea to create this course for over a year before I actually made myself sit down and put it together. In the end, I probably spent over 100 hours creating it, but I’m so glad I finally found the self-disciple to make it happen. Making this course was the best thing I did for our finances in 2017! To date, it’s generated over $20,000 in passive income for us while we’ve been on the road.
In addition to it being a huge financial win for us this year, it’s also been super rewarding helping people travel to their dream destinations for pennies on the dollar. It makes my day when I get an email from someone who’s super excited about a cheap flight they just booked using the skill they learned in the course!
If you’re interested in learning how to earn and redeem frequent flyer miles to travel around the world for pennies on the dollar, check out 30 Days to Becoming a Travel Hacker!
6. Affiliate Income – $1,388.80 (Change from Q3 +654.54)
- Amazon – $487.70
- Audible – $75
- Epidemic Sound – $780
- Gleam – $20
- Convert Kit – $26.10
Up until this point, Amazon has always been the main driver of our affiliate income. The majority of our affiliate income has come from recommending products we use and love on the following pages on our website.
Our Vlogging Gear
Our Packing List
Keep Us On The Road
However, this month my entrepreneurial wife took it upon herself to generate over $780 in affiliate from the music site we use and love called Epidemic Sound. I can’t take any credit for this increase in affiliate income. It was Kara’s idea to sign up for the Epidemic Sound affiliate program. It was her idea to start promoting their service at the end of our videos, and it’s really paid off.
We get all the music for our videos through Epidemic Sound. It’s really hard to find good music for YouTube videos. Kara used to waste hours of her life searching for music, and now she has a huge library of quality royalty-free songs to choose from!
If you need music for YouTube videos, click here to check out Epidemic Sound!
5. Sponsored Videos & Video Licensing – $1,500 (Change from Q3 -$922)
As I have said before, we aren’t proactive about seeking out sponsored videos or video licensing deals. However, now that we’ve published over 450 videos on YouTube, occasionally people find them and want to license them for their own projects. This quarter a media company putting together a video for a bank wanted exclusive rights to footage from one of our videos, and we were able to license it to them for $1,200. We also licensed two other videos (non-exclusively) for $150 to a travel company that creates those viral style videos that you see on Facebook.
6. Merch Sales – $1,152
It had been a year since we sold t-shirts and mugs, so we got my super talented sister to create a new design for us just in time for the holidays. Even though we sold 147 units, the profit margins were pretty low because we choose to print on high quality t-shirts. Honestly, we weren’t super happy with the quality of the merchandise we sold last year, so this year it was less about making money and more about making sure people got a shirt they would be really excited to wear!
Total Q4 Income – $20,532.55 (Change from Q3 $10,039.55)
Since the beginning, we’ve been trying to develop multiple income streams that will combine together to fund our travels. The pie chart above gives you a quick breakdown of how each revenue stream is contributing to our total income. I believe this is the first time YouTube has ever made up the largest percentage of our revenue.
Expense Report
Transportation Expenses – $2,133.91
We were at home 7 out of the last 12 weeks of the year for a wedding and the holidays, so we didn’t rack up as many transportation expenses as usual. This number would be extremely low, but we included the cost of our repositioning cruise in this section. The cost should really be spread across the accommodations as well, but I thought it would be cleaner to keep the entirety of the cruise expense in one place.
Origin | Destination | Transport | USD | Misc. |
Total | $2,133.91 | 115,000 FF Miles | ||
Seoul | Bologna | Plane | $109.60 | 90,000 UA Miles |
Bologna | Ripatransone | Train | $80.18 | |
Ripatransone | London | Plane | $228 | |
London | South Hampton | Bus | $67.37 | |
South Hampton | Barbados | Cruise | $1,596 | |
Barbados | Nashville | Plane | $52.76 | 25,000 AA Miles |
Accommodation Expenses – $0
Yes, you read that right. We spent $0 on accommodations during the last 3 months of the year. I was as shocked as you were when I was putting this report together. I’ll try to briefly explain how this happened. We spent three weeks in Italy staying with our awesome friends. We spent one night in London partnering with the Yotel in return for free accommodations. We spent two weeks on a repositioning cruise which we technically paid for, but those expenses were accounted for in the transportation section.
We spent 3 nights at an Airbnb in Barbados, and we redeemed airbnb credits that we got from referrals for a free stay. Our last two nights in Barbados we partnered with Sandals for a 2 night all-inclusive stay. We spent the rest of the year staying at our parents’ houses while were were home in Tennessee. All of this cost us a grand total of $0. We owe a big thank you to our parents and Bob and Gina for the 10 weeks of free accommodations!
Location | Accommodations | Nights | Cost | Misc. |
Total | $0 | |||
Ripatransone | Friends | 20 | $0 | Thanks B&G |
Barbados | Airbnb | 3 | $0 | Airbnb Credits |
Barbados | Sandals | 2 | $0 | Partnership |
Nashville | Parents | 50ish | $0 | Thanks Mom & Dad |
Destination Expenses – $1,468.52 ($1,225 less than Q3)
This category is the money we spent while on the ground in each destination. This includes things like food, local transportation, and entertainment. This quarter also included buying Christmas gifts and other non-travel related expenses while we were home for 7 weeks.
Destination | Dates | Expenses |
Total | $1,468.52 | |
Italy | Oct. 1-19 | $60.15 |
Cruise | Oct. 20 - Nov. 4 | $271.61 |
Barbados | Nov. 4 - 9 | $59.08 |
Nashville | Nov. 9 - Dec. 31 | $1077.68 |
Business Expenses – $4,517.33 ($2,059 more than Q3)
Each month we pay for several online subscriptions and other things to keep the vlog, blog, online course, and email list running smoothly. I look at most of these expenses as “investments” instead of expenses because most of them are tools that enable us to make money.
The main reason we had a huge increase in business expenses this month is because we paid for a 1-year subscription to our email service provider. Normally, we pay monthly, but they offered a huge discount on Black Friday if we paid for the year upfront.
Partnerships Manager – $1,625
In addition to being our Strategic Partnerships Manager, Benji is also an expert travel hacker. In Q4 he wrote a few new travel hacking posts for the blog.
Travel Hustle Editor – $600
Claire is the organizer and editor of our Travel Hustle interview series on the blog! She does an awesome job. She works full-time as a freelancer.
Convert Kit – $1,536.55
The great email platform that we use to send emails to our email list of 13,000+ people
Teachable – $297
The platform where I host my course “30 Days to Becoming a Travel Hacker” and “The Mistake Fare Manual”
Premiere Pro – $98.28
The program Kara uses to edit our videos.
Google Service – $45.00
This is the money we pay Google for our email address every month so that we can look semi-professional.
Touchnote Postcard – $223.71
This is the service we’re using to send postcards to our patrons!
Epidemic Sound – $45
We used free music from SoundCloud forever, but we’ve started paying $15 per month to Epidemic Sound for more access to royalty free music.
TubeBuddy – $57
This service allows us to bulk edit the cards and end cards across all of our videos on YouTube. Basically, we pay $19 to avoid spending hours of our lives monotonously changing cards on our channel.
GoDaddy – $39.51
We use Godaddy to host our website, but I don’t recommend you do the same. If you’re interested in starting a blog, I recommend going with Bluehost.
Fixel – $99
We’re going to be using this software to create some awesome content for Instagram! This was a one time purchase, not a monthly expense.
Fixed Costs – $1,204.13 ($47.14 more than Q3)
T-Mobile Phone Plan – $463.54
Health Insurance – $528.88
Car Insurance – $211.71
It would be irresponsible to travel without health insurance, so we pay what feels like too much money for an international health insurance plan every month. We’ve been happy with our T-Mobile International Unlimited plan for the past two years, but we’re getting tired of having our data limited to 2G speed while we’re traveling. In 2018 Nate is going to be trying out Google’s Project Fi. We’ll definitely report back on our findings!
Miscellaneous – $601.16
This category is made up of small things that didn’t fit into any of the categories above. Our miscellaneous expenses were a lot higher since we were at home for 7 weeks this quarter.
Total Q4 Expenses – $9,925.05 ($1,902.55 less than Q3)
Total Profit | $10,598.50 | |
Income | ||
YouTube Ad Revenue | $8,217.75 | |
Patreon | $3,845 | |
Course | $4,420 | |
Affiliate Income | $1,388.80 | |
Video Licensing | $1,500 | |
Total Income | $20,532.55 | |
Expenses | ||
Transportation | -$2,133.91 | |
Accommodations | -$0 | |
Destination | -$1,468.52 | |
Business Expenses | -$4,515.33 | |
Fixed Cost | -$1,204.13 | |
Miscellaneous | -$601 | |
Total Expenses | -$9,925.05 |
This is how much money we saved this month thanks to partnerships, frequent flyer miles, and referrals. This is just a fun vanity metric to calculate. If you love numbers like me, it’s fun to look at how much money this month “should have” cost us.
Frequent Flyer Miles – $438.80
Before Kara and I left to travel full-time, we saved up almost 2 million miles and points! We’ve used these miles and points to save over $25,000 on travel expenses. If you want to learn how to do the same, check out my course 30 Days to Becoming a Travel Hacker!
Barbados to Nashville – $11.20
These flights should have cost around $450, but by redeeming 25,000 AA miles, they only cost $11.20!
Partnerships – $1,670
Now that our YouTube channel is getting over 2,000,000 views per month, we’re getting opportunities to partner with companies for free experiences/accommodations in return for featuring the company in a video. You’ll always know if we’ve partnered with a company because at the end of the vlog we’ll put a message that says either “Accommodations Provided By:” or “This Adventure Made Possible By:” This serves as an advertisement for the company that we partner with, but it also helps us to be transparent about content on our vlog being sponsored.
LHR Yotel – $170
Sandals Barbados – $1,500
Airbnb Credits – $150
When someone signs up for Airbnb using our link, they can save $40 off their stay. Plus, we get between $20 – $40 when that person completes their first stay!
It’s a win-win, and we wanted to say thank you to everyone who has signed up and taken a trip using our link! This quarter we redeemed our credits for 3 free nights on the beach in Barbados!
If you want to save $40 on your first Airbnb stay, click the link below to create an account!
CLICK HERE to save $40 on your first Airbnb
Total “Savings” – $2,258.80
That wraps up our Quarter 4 income report! You deserve a pat on the back if you made it all the way here. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Awesome, very helpful. We’ve watched you guys from the beginning so it’s very inspiring to see this become an actual business as well as an amazing adventure!
I think it’s wonderful that you do this, Nate. This not only shows your honest transparency, which is exceedingly rare, but it informs others who may be considering living a similar lifestyle to you and Kara what they should/could do every step along the way. I’m not great with numbers (Math was never my forte), but I do find business & entrepreneurial enterprises very interesting.
Always look forward to these because I am a bit of a numbers nerd myself. Super impressive quarter guys, I hope the profits keeps growing and growing (maybe you’ll consider travelling post-2018 then? ;))
Thank you for sharing these reports! It’s neat to get a behind-the-scenes look, and to help to broaden perspectives on how traveling doesn’t have to be incredibly expensive. I work remotely and have been fortunate to be able to do some traveling while working, so it’s exciting to see this information shared that could help other people travel more too.
Really enjoyed reading this Nate.
Great to see how it all comes together.
Also proves the fact that an income is more than a money stream, it is what allows you to achieve your aims, targets and have a balance of work to life.
Also loved the few typos… When I was an accountant I was forced to spend hours reading through docs 10-20 times.
I really like that you share this. Not so much for the figures themselves, but it gives us (two people who are starting where you probably started) an idea of things we’ll have to be looking out for as we grow.
So thank you for being transparent like this. It really helps us.
Hi Nate and Kate !
It is exciting reading your financial reports , keeping us in the loop is priceless. I booked my first award flight with United using the info in your course which makes the investment worth it. Keep up the good work and I pray continue guidance and protection for you guys.
A blessed 2018
Kate? This reminds me of a guy in the St Kitts vlog i think.
I forgot, who is your health care provider?
I second that question ?
Thank you so much for sharing this! I love to see how people are building their businesses and this is truly is inspiring. You can tell you are really putting in the effort for your reward and the result is really awesome content. Your photography and editing is wonderful! When I was binge watching over the holidays, YouTube suggested other travel vloggers and their video’s weren’t even half as good as yours. Their editing was choppy and and the footage grainy. They also didn’t half half the heart that you two do. <3 You should be incredibly proud of the content you are creating. It's not just today, it's timeless!! I hope you get to keep traveling for as long as you want. Good luck with winning that Shorty!!!
This is fascinating – thank you for sharing! Also, you might be interested to hear from one of your now loyal viewers who found your channel through your Siberian Railway videos. I only can speak for myself, but I had never actually searched YouTube (or anywhere else) for content about the Siberian Railway – or even watched a lot of other travel channels on YouTube. YouTube just showed that video to me on my front page/recommended section one day. I have no idea why they chose that video, but I’m glad they did. I ended up binge watching your entire series from the railway in bed that night and have been a loyal viewer ever since. You guys deserve all of the success that you have been receiving – please keep up the great work and enjoy reaping all of its rewards!
I’m such a numbers geek I absolutely love reading your report! Amazing you’ve made such a great profit this quarter – well done! We’ve been watching your subscribers grow, and the last 12 months have been insane – long may it continue for you guys 🙂
Wow, awesome to read these! So detailed! Really gives me hope that I have a lot of fun and exciting travelling ahead of me 🙂
You guys are just amazing sharing your secrets and all that. I love vicariously following the two of you on youtube. I am not a big traveler, but I was inspired to do more since I have been watching you. keep enjoying and traveling! looking forward to your next adventures.
Hi Nate (and Kara),
Really enjoyed watching your vlogs – and made me feel empowered to pursue some dream trips that seemed too big (read: expensive) for me. While I don’t think I’ll go into full time travel like you do, and I’m from Asia so most of the hacking tips you generously give may not apply to me directly, I still learn a lot on how to travel smart.
That you are sharing your FS to your followers is really really great and make me see you as *almost* a friend sharing his/her adventures. And that’s how your vlog feels like as well – that you’re sharing your experiences, not advertising.
In fact my family is considering to go to he Halong Bay cruise this May because of your vlog. Well, going on a cruise is something I hope to do some time in the future but seeing your vlog made me realize that it would be great to give a try first. Go to a short cruise to see if we will like it before getting into that big boat (I mean ship – wink to Kara) for a longer period.
Sorry this is too long to be considered a comment, so I’ll stop before my letter becomes a novel =)
I find these reports extremely interesting. I also love how transparent you are. Finding y’all on YouTube has really shown me that if you have a passion for something it is totally possible to make a career out of it. Hoping to one day do the same.
Yay! Another income and expense report! Thank you guys for putting these together every quarter, I love reading them.
Hi Nate – thank you for doing this. I know you don’t have to but it’s extremely eye opening to see this side of what you do. Out of curiosity, why don’t you have affiliate relationships with any hotel brands? You seem to be doing well with Amazon, and hotel stays are generally big ticket purchases, so those 3-5% commissions add up quick. I know you and Kara often stay at Airbnb and non-chain hotels, but it seems like you might be able to do well with the occasional “hotel review” video and affiliate link. Congrats on a successful Q4, regardless.
Thanks guys ??
I really appreciate all your information and hard work. Thank you for explaining how you do what you do. Very cool.
I always enjoy reading these reports!
Love this report, read to the bottom. Nerd itch well scratched 🙂
This is so fascinating! I would’ve assumed you made a little more and spent a little more. $60 spent in Italy? That must’ve taken some great self-control :D. Anyhow, you’re encouragement that anyone can generate passive income to fund travel around the world :).
I’ve been following you since your first video to Japan! Interested seeing your financials.. but I am confused that you only spent $60 (USD or EURO) on food in Italy for 19 days?
If you pay $10 or $15 bucks more a month for tmobile plus they double your roaming speeds. Maybe look into that?
Thanks for doing this, I find these very interesting. Keep up the great work on the vlogs!
Wonderful detail! Good job!
Thanks for this! I appreciate your transparency so much. I’m currently looking into traveling full-time for some months in the near future and even though I’ve already travelled quite a lot, it’s refreshing to see this approach online and it sure helps a lot!
So, thank you both! Hope you achieve even more next quarter.
Hallo lovely people. We are two late 70 year old NZ,rs. We have travelled extensively
all our lives but now travel through you guys.
Many thanks for your professional presentations.
Good luck..
it’s amazing to read the reports, those number looks crazy for me! Thanks for providing this kind of information which so hard to find in google. Keep inspiring us with your trip and all the reports!
Always love reading these reports!! Thanks for being so open!
Hey Nate,
I was one of those people who found you via the Trans-Siberian video, and I love that you guys are going out there and making it happen, especially since your 100 countries goal forces you to go places that a lot of people don’t think about.
I do have a suggestion for your next report; include in your savings section the value of the upgrades (like the cabin upgrade you got on the transfer cruise) you sometimes get.
Hey Nate, What platform did you use for you merchandise this year? Thank you!
Hi! I recently discovered your channel through my boyfriend. This is an amazing detailed overview of your income. I always wondered about the income in particular of youtubers/bloggers because I am starting my own blog. It is great to see where income even comes from, I bet many people don’t have a clue. So, thank you for sharing this!!!!
Great info Nate.
I’m sure it’s a typo but Southampton is one word.
Thankyou for the great vlogs.
Very interesting read. I have been a management consultant for 20 years and stumbled into mileage running way back in the day of “pudding guy” and was doing the weekly grind of life on an airplane. I find it awesome that you guys have been able to monetize the travel and I appreciate the transparency on how you make money doing it. My nerdy side enjoys seeing how money is made via the videos. Your videos are quite enjoyable and I am already adding to my list of places to visit!
Hi Kara and Nate,
Count me as one of the subscribers hooked by the Trans-Siberian vlogs. I’ve enjoyed your Cathay Pacific lounge videos before, but the Trans-Siberian vlogs got me to hit the subscribe button since it spanned multiple days. From then on, I’ve gone back and watched from the very beginning, I’m up to the Galapagos now. And of course I’ve kept up with all of your vlogs since Trans-Siberian. Your channel is the first Youtube channel I’ve ever binge watched.
Keep up the great work and looking forward to more adventures to come.
This is extremely informative, Nate! Thank you for sharing this with your audience.
It’s true , I found you on youtube with your trans siberian series.
now I am in the process of watching all from the beginning
(I love trains…)
Thanks for all you make !
You are doing a great job
Kara and nate
All you volgs are so good
Thank you
Enjoy all your videos! Any chance you’d be willing to share your insurance provider? Thanks!
Hi guys
Your videos are so inspiring. I’ve just booked Everest base camp after watching your vlog. Why not!!
I am so incredibly pleased you followed your dreams. Enjoy every single second. Wishing you every happiness, your new biggest supporter!
Rachel x
Thank you for your videos
You guys are amazing and doing a great job traveling and vlogging your travels. I love your videography Nate and (If I am not wrong, it’s kara who dies the editing) more than that, I love the editing. I have been following you for some months now and like most of the people, I started with your Trans-Siberian train videos. I can say without a doubt that you guys have improved exponentially.
I just found your income reports and it’s amazing to see you earning and expenditures as it gives an idea to people like us about the finance side of traveling. I love this thing about you as there are no other youtubers (none that I know of) who share their expenses.So, its hard to miss out on the reality of things and get swayed away with those awesome videos and think that life is perfect for everyone but you. I absolutely love this expenses report thing of yours. Shows how hard you work to make it possible.
Love you videos.
Thanks a lot for keeping me entertained.
Wow thanks a ton guys . Your vlogs and blogs help budding travel enthusiasts a lot. I absolutely love your vlogs and look forward to each and every one . I recently started watching ur vlogs around a week ago and what can I say I’m already addicted .Btw congrats on winning the Shorty award . Hope u win many more In the future . With love from India ♥️
Just a dadburned minute here… you were in Italy for 19 days and spent only $60 on food?? Food. In Italy. Not sure how you did that. Kindly provide more detail there. Thank you!
I am planning to travel [hopefully] full time in the years right after retirement, so I am avidly devouring your vlogs, website, and [soon] course. Yay for an active retirement!!! 🙂
Thank you for posting your income reports! I’ve often wondered how people travel FT and how much people make off YouTube. Such good info!!!
Great stuff guys. Loving the work – keep it up!
Another one that found you through the train videos! I’ve also subscribed and binge watched since day one! Last night you just arrived in India, and I’m going to be sad when I don’t have an hour+ of you guys each night.
Love that there are fellow binge watchers commenting here too! Wish you two all the success in the world!
Wow, I love how honest you guys are. I recently discovered your page on youtube and I have been binge watching from the beginning. I am a huge fan. Kara is hilarious 🙂 Anyways, hope to meet you guys someday, if your ever on Kauai. LMK I can be your tour guide.
Yes. I made it to the end. Where is 2018 reports? My wife and I have been in love with Travel for 15 years. And an around-the-world Buck List trip has always been just out of reach. We are getting closer thanks in part to you guys. Tell Nate that the ONE thing I can’t stand about all these YouTube and Travel Vloggers is their lack of Financial Transparency!! I firmly believe that COST is the single biggest deterrent for people to get started because it seems SO hard to conceive as to what this kind of travel will cost. I’m always watching videos and estimating income vs expenses based on thin air. So this is GREAT information. You should promote this aspect MORE. I’ll be buying your Hacking course soon. Thanks again. Safe travels.
Dont stop writing those reports, even when you will earn way more then that. Very interesting!!! 1st quater of 2018 should be up by now 🙂
Thanks for sharing these details, Nate!
I found it all incredibly helpful since this is a lifestyle I’m working to achieve in 2019. I’m doing lots of planning and saving right now, so this info is priceless.
I also discovered yalls blog/vlog through the Paradise Pack and will definitely be going through yalls course.
Job well done. I love your videos and the transparency is refreshing.
Hi Kate and Nate,
just found your blog, (I was searching trekking at ECB), very interesting.
Just a silly question maybe but how did you manage to spend only 60 dollars for three weeks in Italy for food?
I understood you were with friends but no lunches, dinners out, never offered your friends to pay at the grocery?